Do you believe in the Future? Are we interested and curious in knowing the future? Is Positive Hope a driver? Is knowing Future a reality or a Myth? Do stars really play a role in our life? Can we really predict the future? Can the pain of obstacles be reduced? Where has present living & happiness gone?
Delighted to introduce to the group of “Thought Leaders” turning to “Astrology cum Educationalists”, redefining the Intelligence of knowing & predicting Future.
‘Defining Future’ keeping Present in Mind...Change before the Change & not with the Change
We are the Alchemist, changing the school of thought of Astrology... Knowing and interpreting the future is a well-defined science and an art that comes only by the blessing of the 'Supreme Power'.
We are helping People & Students to find, follow & adopt their destined path of Present and Future, finally leading a Happy, Smiling and God Loving journey throughout Life...
When we study astrology we reject simple-looking techniques that in one shot can help in defining the purpose of life & aligning the same as per the last two wheels which are Destiny & Challenges. Knowledge will come through experience & deeper studies giving you a clear picture of the “Life Cycle & Purpose of the Soul” in the present life.
“Vedic Astrology” is the mother and all other types of astrology study are the subsets of this. During my teaching sessions to learned astrologers, the most common question& difficult answer to be given is on “Accuracy of the timing of Events”
The predictive principles used in Vedic astrology are full of alternatives and if properly applied at times, miss precisely the nature and time of the event in question. I have personally faced this issue as knowing Vedic Science takes years to understand. After 26 years of learning, at times I feel that it’s still which is something left to be learned. This is the beauty of our ancient science
As per my Astrology journey, I suggest every astrologer to learn three sciences of Astrology which are Vedic, KP & Naadi.
Astrology is not a predicting tool but a tool to plan one’s life as per defined destiny. A strong k knowledge of Mother Science which is Vedic along with KP Astrology & Naadi is the perfect blend for knowing one's Destiny and Challenges faced thereon. It helps perfectly in reducing the pain of coming obstacles if any by choosing the right path at the right time.
“Building & Helping Humanity”… Leading Change
Redefining the intelligence of Astrology Predictions | Numerology | Business Success | Career Growth | Relations