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Defining Future
Jan 12, 20212 min read
Astonishing predictions using Kaal-Purush Rashi in Astrology?
Kaal-Purush Kundli has a very important significance in Vedic astrology. Its original Rashis and the house number signified has a deep...

Defining Future
Jan 6, 20213 min read
What are the facts for interpreting “Divisional Charts in Astrology”?
The effects of planets in the D-chart get modified by conjunction or aspect of other planets in the D-Chart. Here only the NATURAL...

Defining Future
Jan 2, 20212 min read
Secrets on Principles of Transit Techniques in Astrology?
Transit planet shows the results of the houses “occupied & aspected” and the “ownership” of the houses owned in D1 like Mars the owner of...

Defining Future
Dec 27, 20202 min read
Unrevealed facts for analyzing “Divisional Charts’ in Astrology?
Any D-Chart is used for analyzing the particular aspect of life by studying the corresponding divisional chart (D-Chart) like D9 is used...

Defining Future
Dec 23, 20202 min read
How to guess the “Financial Position” of an Individual?
Under the Ashtakavarga system, a Sarvashtakvarga is a table prepared for Kundli by adding up the individual bhinnashtakvarga scores of...

Defining Future
Dec 17, 20202 min read
Is Astrology a predicting tool or a Science of planning Life?
Do you believe in the Future? Are we interested and curious in knowing the future? Is Positive Hope a driver? Is knowing Future a reality...

Defining Future
Dec 17, 20201 min read
What is the meaning of “3S" Astrology... “Scientific, Skillful & Sincere”
At Defining Future, we always aspire to become a part of you and add value to deliver Investigative, Innovative and Inspiring tailor-made...

Defining Future
Dec 15, 20203 min read
What are the unknown & stunning facts of the Ashtakavarga System of predictions? Series 1
Ashtakavarga system is another method of Indian Astrology that uses a system of points based upon planetary positions. It depicts the...

Defining Future
Dec 11, 20202 min read
What is an untold “Secret of KP Astrology” for true findings?
KP Stellar astrology is another powerful science for helping people find, follow & adopt their destined path of present and future,...

Defining Future
Dec 7, 20202 min read
Are we fully engaged in the “Survival for the fittest” working environment?
Fast, Furious, Competitive & Money Minded, every time and every day. “Stress, Stress & Stress" Is pushing yourself a Stress? Does...

Defining Future
Dec 7, 20202 min read
Why an Astrologer should also learn Krishnamurti Padhdhati (KP) Astrology also?
Our long journey of practical learnings of "Bhakti Yoga" and deep study of "Vedas" finally concludes that our whole life cycle moves on 4...

Defining Future
Dec 7, 20202 min read
Important hidden “Secret of Astrology” being ignored for ages
Our long journey of practical learnings of "Bhakti Yoga" and deep study of "Vedas" finally concludes that our whole life cycle moves on 4...
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